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The Solopreneur Guide
Welcome - First things first!
Who's running this gig?
How it works
The Solopreneur Guide Webinar Replay (53:21)
Get Your Sh*t done! - Cat Paterson
Setting the scene (3:24)
It's all in a mindset (4:43)
The Why + What of Productivity (17:15)
Energy Audit (9:15)
Energy Mapping (6:10)
Social Media Mastery - Cara Chace
Laying the Foundation (5:17)
You Know the Who - Next is the What + Where of Social Media (2:27)
Creating a Content Calendar (13:57)
Social Media Tools for Productivity (60:30)
Analyze + Track What's Working (and what isn't) (58:25)
System sanity (3:34)
Setting up an Energy Calendar (2:57)
Feedly + Buffer + IFTTT = AMAZING AWESOME SAUCE (8:25)
Twitter Search (6:10)
Favorite IFTTT Recipes for Social Media + Productivity
Wrap-Up + Thank You
Thank you, thank you + one MAJOR final point from Cara (3:37)
Setting the scene
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